About Us


Thank you for taking time to visiting St. Luke's Ministries' website. It is an honor to know that you have taken a moment to learn more about us.  If you are looking for a place to worship, we welcome you to visit with us anytime. It is our desire to help believers of every age to discover and embrace their heavenly designed destiny. Our mission is to prepare people for their divine purpose in life. Our goal is to offer salvation to those who are lost, restore wholeness to those who are broken, and to educate those who hunger and thirst after the knowledge of Christ.

Sunday School: Sunday school begins at 9:30 A.M on Sunday Morning.  This Ministry uses Christian literature and bible Apps to dig deeper into God's word and have open discussions about new learning. This is an intimate group of believers who seek direction from God by reading, researching, and dissecting his word. If you are interested in Bible-based discussions this is definitely the ministry to join. 

Mid-Week service: Our mid-week service begins at 7:00 P.M. every Wednesday. This service is also known as "The Hour Of Power"! This service begins with praise and worship/inspirational songs followed by an encouraging word from our senior or youth pastors. This service is one that can't be missed because it gives you just enough "Jesus-Juice" to persevere through the remainder of the week with a positive and uplifted attitude. 

11 A.M. Sunday Service:
This is a weekly spirit- filled service from start to finish. We begin with praise and worship then a message from on high from our youth or senior pastors. You are welcome to worship in your own way. Our goal is to cultivate meaningful relationships with you as you grow spiritually. 

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